we aim to convert you
About Us
Company Vision. 
Our vision is to be a recognized industry player for the supply of innovative Optical Fibre based active equipment solutions in the markets in which we choose to compete.  
Core Purpose. 
Our core purpose is to conduct our business in a way which gives credit to our Creator in the way in which we do business, be responsible towards the community and the environment, and at the same time expecting a reasonable return on the invested financial and human capital. 
Our core values include: 
Doing the right thing. – This results in being honest, ethical, and having personal and professional integrity. It means consistently treating all people fairly, delivering on promises, and taking personal responsibility for our actions 
Quality – Quality is the primary determinant of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and it requires us to continuously provide our customers with speedy reaction to their requests and the right product at the right time to satisfy the customers need. 
Accountability – Being accountable means every employee assumes ownership and responsibility for his or her own work, regardless of the job they perform. Being accountable means making decisions and holding oneself responsible for the consequences of those choices.  
Innovation – Providing customers with innovative solutions to satisfy their needs. 
Financial viability – We believe in our long term financial viability to ensure that we will be able to meet our long term commitments to our customers in terms of product backup and support. 
Technical support. – Providing customer with a high level of technical support in using and maintaining an innovative product solution for the customer.  

 Phendula – the name: 
Being a South African Company with its roots firmly entrenched in Africa, it was decided that the name should reflect some of the commitment to the environment in which the company operates, and at the same time says something about the product range the company is involved in. Obviously, some of the African languages do not cater directly for the technologies of the day, and the name was chosen to be as close as possible to the objectives listed above.  
Phendula (Zulu language) according to the academics mean “change” in the sense of conversion (e.g. to Christian faith), but in the daily use of the word the meaning is “answer” or to “turn around”. We at Phendula certainly believe that our commitment to service will be the “answer” to the network solutions required to satisfy the needs of our customers. 

Contact us now:
0861 FIBRES (342 737)
+2712 6610504 (int)